How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies?

Nryshore – an inflamed mucous membrane of the nose. The cause of such inflammation is microbes and viruses. The development of the common cold is facilitated by excessive cooling of the body, a aggravated or dusty air. A runny nose also becomes a symptom of an infectious type of disease (diphtheria, influenza, fever, measles, etc. D.).

Treatment of a runny nose with the help of folk methods:

one. Menthol oil (sold in a pharmacy). Drill up to about 5 drops of this oil a couple of times a day and at the same time, lubricate with this oil: whiskey, forehead, behind the ears, nose, nape. Also menthol oil, you can mix with camphor oil. The procedures are the same. Helps well, during the beginning of the runny nose.

2. Kalanchoe (home). During the beginning of the runny nose, it is enough on average even up to 3 times a day to anoint the Kalanchoe leaf with juice and the runny nose will pass. Up to 5 drops.

3. Tincture. For 100g of tincture, you need a tablespoon of olive oil with a crushed lugger. It is necessary to insist in a dark room for 21 days, shaking daily. Then filter and squeeze. First bury up to 3 drops in the nostril, then drop a drop but 4 times a day. A total lasting week. A runny nose will pass after a while.

four. Kerosene. On the night, spread the soles with kerosene, also a cloth moistened with kerosene, squeeze and put on the soles. Put on your socks warmer on your feet and wrap. By the morning you feel better or there will be no cold at all.

5. With a chronic not light runny nose. In warm water, slightly salted, add a teaspoon of calendula or eucalyptus tincture and rinse your nose with this half-liter solution. For this procedure, tilt your nose under water at 45 degrees, pull it in and release it from your mouth. Therefore, skip this solution completely and blow your nose in each nostril. Perform the procedure twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

6. Mix such herbs as: medicinal initial letter -10 grams, rue – 10 grams, hoof root – 20 grams, all these herbs are in powder. Mix them well and smell this mixture 3 times a day.

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