Tiramisu is currently very popular. This is why he is striving to learn how to do many housewives. This article will describe one of the recipes Tiramisu, which is remembered by many of its amazing cream of Mascarpone.
We cook the cream.
As a basis for him, you can take a half -kilogram of cream cheese called Mascarpone. Some experts take him for the pasta. You can find masquearpone only on the shelves of branded stores in dairy departments. It is often packaged in jars of all kinds of sizes (this should be paid attention to).
We take four yolks of chicken eggs and rub them with one hundred grams of sugar. This mixture should be added to Mascarpone and beat. Proteins that remain, place in a blender and get protein foam from them. This ingredient should be very neatly entered into the cheese cream.
The biscuit necessary for the preparation of tiramisu can be taken from ready -made cakes. This will save a lot of time, so we get biscuit sticks.
It is recommended to cook coffee in advance. It will need three hundred milliliters, and chilled. If there is a desire, then you can add a little cognac to coffee.
We form the basis of Tiramis.
We take biscuit sticks and sequentially dip each of them in coffee, which it is desirable to fry yourself. Initially, you need to have green coffee at home. Then we put them with parallel rows in a portioned creamy. A small layer of cream should be placed on top. Next, lay out sticks again and again the cream. However, now the sticks should be put perpendicular to the original layer. If there are few ingredients left, then you can create another layer.
At the end, you get three or two layers of sticks and the same number of layers of cream.
After that we leave Tiramisu in the refrigerator for about five hours.
Before serving this dish on the table, it should be sprinkled through a sieve with chocolate or cocoa powder.