How to choose a backpack for a child

Ahead of the academic year and the child needs new school supplies, including a backpack. But in order to choose school backpacks on KANC-BAZAR, you need to approach the process balanced, relying not only on the price tag and color scheme.

Simple tips below will help you find the perfect solution for your son or daughter.

The backpack should have orthopedic properties. Now this is no longer a novelty – the shape of the satchel will differ in a hard box and a hard frame back, and straps from rubberized fabric will have a shock -absorbing effect. From the point of view of health, this is the most optimal option so that in the future there are no problems with the formation of the spine and proper posture.

Do not consider other options, even if they are cheaper and more beautiful. The health of the child’s back is most important, because the future of the whole organism depends on the musculoskeletal system.

The weight of the backpack is another important factor. The satchel contains all textbooks, school supplies, sports form. Therefore, the backpack itself should be easy and, in total, the luggage should not exceed 10% of the student’s weight itself. If the backpack is severe, that is, the risk of developing such a disease as scoliosis.

A practical component is a sufficient number of pockets and departments for various needs. It is also important that the satellite complies with the standards in terms of dimensions and an album or a musical notebook can fit there.

Pay attention to the possibility of machine washing. Many satchels have such a feature that it is very relevant for the parents of junners, in which even dark backpacks get down relatively quickly. By the way, the fabric itself must be water -repellent so that the accessories do not get wet. Stainless metal is considered an ideal fittings. Flasps or metal zippers will last much longer any others.

Modern satchels have reflective elements that can ensure the safety necessary for the child in the evening.

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