We treat intracranial pressure.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for helping to reduce intracranial harmful pressure, but we must remember that first of all it is necessary to treat the cause of hypertension, and taking various decoctions and infusions only for a while reduces pressure and eliminates headaches. So, in order to alleviate the condition with hypertension, you can advise various recipes. Try to drink a decoction of lavender in the afternoon, prepared in a classic way – a full glass of water on a teaspoon, all rubbing into the scalp right before bedtime.

The next decoction is freshly boiled for ten minutes of silk branches, which must be drunk in three doses per day. You can recommend alcohol tinctures, for example, clover – pour half a cank of clover flowers into a liter jar and pour vodka to the top, insist in the dark, constantly mixing two weeks, drink at any time of the day twice a day for about three months, then a break of three weeks and drink three months again. There is a recipe for tinctures from hawthorn, washing, eucalyptus, motherwort and valerian in equal parts of those taken and also insisted in vodka in a traditional way. The following method of treating hypertension is compressing treatment. Take alcohol and camphor oil, rub the heads in the scalp with massaging movements and tie your head with a towel or a warm scarf, wash your head in the morning.

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