London photographer Alexei Wells: what services he offers

Wedding photography is a popular service. It allows you to capture significant and joyful events in people’s lives, leaving a long and pleasant memory. In such situations, the services of professionals will help, one of which is Alexei Wells Photography.

Main types of services and tariffs

The master works in London, traveling to other parts of the country to carry out orders. Among its proposals the following options stand out:

  1. Engagement shoots cost £250 for an hour and a half (this option is only available in London), and pre-wedding romance shoots cost £650 for four hours, available in the city and elsewhere in England.
  2. Small wedding shoots from an hour to three. The price for such a session will cost the customer £150 per hour.
  3. A half day shoot takes 5 hours and costs the client £800.
  4. A whole day of filming is 10 hours of work for £1,500.
  5. Luxury service lasts 12 hours and costs £2,000.

In an hour of work, the client usually receives up to 70-100 photographs, they are processed and provided in a special gallery for downloading by newlyweds and relatives. For a more detailed presentation of all operating parameters, it is suggested that you find out more information on .

Benefits of working with a photographer

Alexey gets to know the newlyweds before the wedding, holding a special meeting where he talks about his work methods and listens to all the wishes of the customers. During casual communication, a shooting plan is drawn up. Alexey prefers to show people’s sincere, immediate emotions; he does not force them to do what clients do not want to do.

During the ceremony, the photographer stays in the background, without interfering with the ceremony or embarrassing the participants. He carefully records all events, trying to capture the most striking and advantageous shots.

Later, during the festive part of the event, he can compose the composition of the frame, offer his vision of the scene, filming it in a cinematic or other style. At the same time, he communicates with people, tries to liberate them, invites them to show their emotions and feelings.

All clients note good mutual understanding, ease and joy of communication. An important factor is the professional skills and capabilities of the master, the availability of advanced equipment for filming of any type. As a result, original photographs appear that make you experience pleasant feelings when viewing them.

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